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Home and Property Insurance

Homeowners, Renters, Liability or Valuables--we’ve got you covered.
Property Insurance protects your home and all the important things in it. Whether you rent, own, or something in between, we work with many carriers to find you the best coverage for your needs, at competitive rates.

Whalen Insurance protects your home from property damage and lawsuits. We can provide coverage for your house, apartment, condo, mobile home, seasonal properties and vacation homes, properties you rent to others, and vacant properties.

Renters have the same need for security that homeowners do - the main difference is you just don’t own the structure. You still have your furniture and your personal possessions. Give us a call today to see how we can help keep everything secure.

We’ll work with you to ensure we have all the bases covered, giving you the peace of mind you can only have when you know everything - even your most valuable valuables - is as safe and secure as it can be.

Umbrella Liability
Even the best insurance policies sometimes don’t cover everything. Our personal liability policies allow you to rest easy, knowing that if you’re ever found responsible for monetary damages, you’ll be covered. Umbrella insurance is meant to help protect you from large and potentially devastating liability claims or judgments. Personal umbrella coverage comes into play when your underlying liability limits (such as from a homeowners or auto insurance policy) have been reached.
Combining home and auto insurance can save you up to 33%!
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Get the right coverage for you at the right price, from the right people:
Whalen Insurance.